Sunday, May 1, 2016

May Day, May Day!

Why has it been taking me so long to update my blog?

We have been super busy lately.  We are transitioning over to a farmstead website and blog, but I wanted to let my readers know I have not fallen off the face of the earth.

It is chilly and rainy here, nowhere near what the first of May should be, in my mind.  But that's OK.  Our new trees and plants are getting plenty of water and the temperatures have remained above freezing, knock on wood.  Here are some pictures of the last several weeks on our Spotted Dog Farmstead.

Yes, this is a picture of bark!

I could post 50,000 more photos, but I think I'll stop here.  Just looking at that last photo of my daughter makes me want to go hug her!

Thanks for reading.





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