Friday, May 8, 2015

Vive les Français et vive les pompiers!

The French classes at my school were lucky enough to earn another visit from some young French firefighters/interns studying firefighting in the United States.  This time, Marion and Antoine were joined by Adrien and Gregory. All four were very gracious, kind, and patient with us.  And they brought us crêpes.  Merci beaucoup!

Bless their hearts, they withstood another long day of answering questions about their favorite foods, whether they have any boyfriends/girlfriends, etc. And pauvre Antoine had responded to a call in the middle of the night.  A couple of nights ago, he and the firefighters he is working with had five calls after midnight.  Il était tellement crevé!  But he soldiered on and everyone did a wonderful job enlightening the French students in my school.  Les voilà:

Vive les Français et vive les pompiers! 

Merci d’être venus nous rendre visite!  J’espère que vous vous êtes amusés aussi bien que nous!  


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